We are an innovative company with headquarters in Berlin. The ORmatiC GmbH has many years of experience in the following areas:
- Sensor design
- Implementation of plants according to functional safety and explosion protection
- EMSR ATEX-relevant work such as risk analysis, explosion protection concepts and documentation
- Development of control solutions
- Development, simulation and implementation of complex regulations
- Pump control and compressor technology
- Design of anything from simple panel visualisations to complex control systems (client-server)
- Revision of E plans and R&I plans
- Accompaniment of experts in regard to EMSR technical reviews
- Long-term data archiving and analysis
- Big Data and Cloud Computing
In recent years, our sales amounted to approx. 2 million Euro/year. Our customers include Vattenfall, OTIS, KTG Energy Agrar, Osters and Voss, Refood/Rethmann, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Bigadan, GICON, Krieg& Fischer, entec, and Becker-Jacob Group.
ORmatiC is the certified system partner of Siemens and GE. Our innovative capabilities are supported by various successfully completed funding projects (project sponsor AiF, Jülich). Our scope of work includes risk assessment studies according to FMEA, HAZOP, etc., planning and implementation of functional safety up to SIL3, QM based on ISO9001, development of specific control strategies, implementation of databases and web-based solutions.